The District Chief Executive (Hon. Philip Kwabena Boahen) on Friday, October 14, 2022 accounted for his achievements and developmental projects in his 1st year of office. This meeting was held at the Conference Hall of the District Assembly. Present under this meeting were Chiefs, Religious leaders, Security Services, Union leaders and SUADA staff.
The meeting started at exactly 11:00am with a word prayer and introduction of dignitaries present. Mr. Emmanuel Kwame Fiebor (DCD) gave a brief opening address to enlighten members on the purpose of the meeting.

Mr. Emmanuel Kwame Fiebor (DCD) addressing the house
Hon. Philip Kwabena Boahen in his presentation, projected the various contributions and achievements he has brought to the district in his first year of office. He talked about the pass and current state of the Assembly’s Common Fund Projects, District Development Facility (DDF) projects, recurrent expenditure and Internally Generated fund (IGF) as at July 2022.
DCE (Hon. Philip Kwabena Boahen) giving his presentation
Presenting on his achievements for the first one year, he categorized them under Business Advisory Centre (BAC) REP Programme, Department of social welfare & community development, Leap Programme Monitored, Implementation of Government Flagship Programmes and Planting for Food and Jobs.