1st General Assembly meeting, 2024

On the Tuesday 6th of August, 2024, the Suaman District Assembly held its 1st General Assembly meeting at the Conference Hall of the Assembly. The meeting started at exactly 12pm and was actually in two folds. Present to this meeting was the DCE, Hon. Philip Kwabena Boahen, DCD, Mr. Emmanuel Kwame Fiebor, PM, Hon. Stephenson Tandoh, ECG team from Juaboso District, Assembly members and Appointees, HODs/ HOUs, and other staff of the Assembly.

DCE, Hon Philip Kwabena Boahen addressed the house on the purpose of the meeting and further gave the mandate to the ECG District Manager, Mr. Sekoh Michael to answer some complaints in the District. Some of these numerous complaints have to do with quality of services at Dadieso and its adjoining communities, staffing of the office of the Electricity Company of Ghana Dadieso, illegal meters, inflation of tariffs, intermittent power outages, extension of electricity services to newly developed sites and neglected faulty electricity poles and cables. Mr. Sekoh Michael addressed all the issues and promised a better service delivery henceforth. The ECG team from Juaboso departed from the meeting at exactly 2:30pm.

Juaboso ECG Manager addressing issues at the meeting

Second on the meeting was the GA meeting which commenced at exactly 3:30pm. A word of prayer was said by Hon. Stephen Otoo. After the word of prayers, the PM, Hon. Stephenson Tandoh entreated the Assembly Members and Appointees to introduce themselves. He (PM) further gave opening remarks on the meeting and continued to lead the house in the reading, correction and acceptance of the previous minute of the GA meeting held. There was presentation and discussion of DCE’s sectional and Executive committee report after the previous minute was read.

The meeting continued with other matters arising. After all issues were taken and deliberated on, Hon DCE gave his closing remarks and entreated members on the need for peaceful and successful 2024 December General elections.

Hon. PM also gave his closing remarks by thanking members for being patience throughout the meeting process.

The meeting ended at exactly 6:00pm with a word of prayer from Hon. Grace Nartey.

Scenes from the meeting

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Second Quarter Works Sub-committee Meeting

On the 12th day of June, 2024, the board members of the works sub-committee held a meeting at the District Assembly Hall at 10:00am to discuss the statuses of On-going Projects in the district. Below are some scenes from the meeting.

Scenes from the meeting

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Finance and Administration Sub-Committee meeting

The Finance and Administration Sub-Committee of the District held a meeting on Tuesday, 11th June, 2024 at the Assembly Hall at 10:00am to embark of the following Agendas;

  1. Introduction of newly appointed and elected honorable members
  2. Election of Chairman
  3. Discussion of other matters

Scenes from the meeting

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Inauguration Of Hon Assembly Members


The meeting started at exactly 2: 20 p.m. with an opening prayer said by Reverend Frederick Asaine.



The Hon Western North Regional Minister and his entourage, Nananom, Honorable Assembly Members, the various Security Agencies, representatives from various Institutions, Heads of Departments and Units and all other Invited Guests were duly introduced by Mr. Okyere Sampson.



Hon DCE started his address by welcoming all dignitaries and invited guests for being able to honor the invitation for the inauguration of the newly elected and appointed assembly members. He further indicated that being referred to as an assembly member summarily means you are an agent for development in the locality and then it is expected all assembly members are to put out their best performance whenever duty calls.

He ended by acknowledging all dignitaries and invited guests present once again before resuming his seat.



The Hon. Regional Minister started his speech by acknowledging the existing protocols and extended warm regards from the President of Ghana, Nana Addo Danquah Akuffo Addo to the people of Suaman District and that the president had instructed him to deliver a speech on his behalf themed, GOVERNMENT NOW CLOSER TO THE PEOPLE THAN EVER”.

He said the decentralization reforms that started in 1988 with only 110 District Assemblies had made progress in several fronts. He noted that as the membership of the Assembly was being constituted, it was envisaged that new ideas and opportunities would emerge to deepen the deliberative, legislative and executive functions of the district assembly.

He indicated that the assembly members had the mandate to deliberate, plan, mobilize resources and make decisions including by-laws to ensure the transformation of their district towards Ghana.

He urged the members to also establish strong partnerships and collaborate with the local structures particularly, the urban, town, zonal an area council, the unit committees and traditional authorities as well as other identifiable groups to facilitate the work of the assembly. It is through these partnerships and collaborations that the ideals of local governance are optimized for the benefit of the people.

He said the assembly was being inaugurated at a time when efforts were being made by government through the Ministry of Local Government, Decentralization and Rural Development (MLGRD) to improve on the mobilization on internally Generated Funds (IGFs) of the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies.

He called on the members to work closely with each other to create innovative ways of mobilizing the needed resources for the development within their areas.

He further reminded the members that the electorate required of them, selflessness, devotion to duty, a very accountable stewardship and ability to articulate the needs of the people to guide district development agenda and improve the quality of their livelihoods and wellbeing.

He ended by saying that the role of the members required that the commit their all to the growth and development of the citizenry.



The Hon Regional Minister after his speech went on to swear in the elected and appointed assembly members. The 19 members made up of 13 elected and 6 appointees were sworn in by Mr. Joojo Rocky Obeng, the Western North Regional Minister with the oaths of office, allegiance and secrecy.





The district electoral commissioner was then invited to commence the election for the assembly’s presiding member. He indicated that there are 13 elected and 6 appointed assembly members together with the district chief executive totaling 20 electorates who shall cast their votes.

He further spelt out the rules governing the election to the august house.

1.      There are a total of 20 votes including the district chief executive.

2.      The voting is strictly secret ballot.

3.      The candidate contesting for the position of presiding member has the right to vote.

4.      The winner should obtain not less than 2/3 of the total vote cast

5.      If no candidate obtains 2/3 of the total vote cast, there shall be another election held for the best 2 emerging candidates

6.      If the two highest are voted for again and does not win, there will be a run off after 10 days with different candidates.

7.      Fraction and decimal shall be round up to 1 vote.



After spelling out the rules governing the election, the electoral commissioner opened nominations to the house that any candidate interested in the position should pick their forms for nomination.

After waiting for a period of time, the Electoral commissioner declared Hon. Stephenson Tandoh as the only nominee who filed for the position of the presiding member.



The election was held successfully with all Hon assembly members casting their votes.

After compiling and sorting, the electoral commissioner declared that all the 20 Hon Assembly Members voted unanimously for Hon Stephenson Tandoh making him the emerge as the winner of the election.



 The District Chief Executive led the elected presiding member to be sworn in as the new presiding member of the Suaman District Assembly.



 Hon Stephenson Tandoh expressed his gratitude for being given the honor to serve the Suaman district assembly once again. He further thanked his fellow Hon Assembly Members for trusting him of the enviable position. He further indicated that if they can easily achieve the aims and visions as Hon Assembly Members, then they have to work together and cordially. He ended by assuring management and Hon Assembly Members that he will be his utmost best for the development of the assembly.



DCE in his closing remarks indicated that he was overwhelmed by the huge attendance to the event even though there was a delay in the invitation of the various stakeholders, however, they surprisingly attended in their numbers and fully participated in the course of the event. He admonished all assembly members to be much centered on helping carry out development projects in their electoral areas.


He further thanked all assembly members for voting unanimously for the presiding member and urged the presiding member to work assiduously towards developing the district assembly.



 In the absence of further deliberations, the Hon Eric Armah called for the adjournment of the meeting and was seconded by Hon Luckson Afoakwah.



 The meeting came to a close at 5:20 p.m. with closing prayer being said by Hon Azamatsi.




Scenes from the program

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39th Farmers’ Day Celebration, 2023

Farmers’ Day Celebration is one of the major events in the National Calendar which is used to acknowledge and reward our gallant farmers and fisher folks whose toils and
labour feeds the Nation’s growing population, and provides the necessary raw materials for our industries, export markets thus promoting the economic
development of the Nation. 
This year Regional Farmers’ Day with the Theme “Delivering Smart Solutions for Sustainable Food Security’’ was celebrated in the Suaman 

District, adjacent Districts and Municipalities were asked to simultaneously co-celebrate their Districts and Municipal farmers’ day at the same venue. In the light of the above 

Bodi, Akontombra, Aowin municipality, celebrated their respective farmers’ day celebration at the DC Park in Suaman.


Welcome Address by the Suaman District Chief Executive 

In his welcome address he thanked the regional minister, Nananom and the general public for coming to the 2nd Regional Farmers’ day celebration which is being hosted by the Suaman District. He further thanked the regional minister for the completion of the Suaman to Enchi road which used to be night mare for travellers. He appealed to the minister to replicate the efforts put in for the completion of the Juaboso Suaman road as it makes travelling relatively difficult for commuters from Suaman to the other districts in the region. 

District Chief Executive Welcoming the General Public to the Farmers’ Day Celebration

Inspection of Exhibits by the Regional Minister and Dignitaries 

The Regional Minister and the dignitaries invited comprising all regional heads of the various departments inspected the numerous exhibits displayed by the farmers from the participating districts and municipalities. Different food items, produced by farmers, livestock in the region were exhibited.  


Award prices for the award winners from the co-celebrating districts and municipalities as well as the region were inspected by the regional minister and his entourage; the award items included Tricycles, Motor Bikes, Fridges, Mist Blowers Knapsacks, Wellington Boots, Silver Pans, Wax Prints, Television Sets, Insecticides, Weedicides, Wheel Barrows, Lacoste Shirts, Certificates, and Fertilizers, Cutlasses, etc.

Speech By Regional Director of Agriculture

The Regional Director of Agriculture stated in her speech that, the region has one of the richest endowments of agriculture resources in the country which the region has to take advantage of to further the development of agriculture. She indicated that the most effective mechanism to advance the lives of millions in poverty is to support agriculture, which the region has taken as one of its priorities. She observed that value added foods are increasingly beneficial in addressing food security, nutrition and poverty and equally noted that the Department of Agriculture recognized the critical role of value addition and has
therefore over the years facilitated in the training and capacity building of
several women’s group in the region, and gave a firm commitment of the
department’s preparedness to continue to pursue this course and strengthen the
capacity of all such women’s groups in the region.

Regional Minister’s Speech

In his speech the Minister assured farmers in the region that agriculture is on the ascendency, and efforts are on the way to have an exchange Programme with Republic of India where farmers in the region would go to India to learn best practices in farming and Indian farmers would visit the Western North to share their experiences with farmers in the region.

He admonished farmers across the region to get close to the Extension Officers in their various municipalities and districts to “access improve technologies designed to improve their enterprises and could one day be rewarded as it’s about to happen here. He stated that the government has expended a lot of money in agriculture development in the region for that matter Ghana. He specifically mentioned expenses in the cocoa sector rehabilitation Programme, MAG and the Planting for Export and Rural Development (PERD).


 He further stated that, there will be much support given to farmers to motivate them to produce more so as to improve their livelihoods. The minister further congratulated all award winners and urged all farmers to aim getting the ultimate prize next year.

Presentation of District and Municipal Awards

Aowin Municipal Chief Executive Officer mentioned the names of their award winners to appear before the regional minister and his entourage as well as the general public. The nineteen (19) award winners were congratulated by the regional minister for working hard to be recognized for an at the regional farmers’ day. They were then led to pick their award items with prizes ranging from Motor Cycle, Mist Blowers, Knapsack Sprayers, Table Top Fringes, TV Set, Wellington Boots, Key Soap Bars, Cutlasses and Certificates. 


Bodi District Presentation


A representative for the Bodi District Chief Executive Hon. Christian mentioned the names of the award winners. They were congratulated by the dignitaries and were led to pick their award items for their hard work. 

Akontombra District Presentation



Akontombra District awarded 16 farmers consisting of thirteen (13) males and three (3) female awardees with award prizes including Motor cycle, TV set, Table Top Fridge,
Knapsacks, Cutlasses, Wellington Boots, Weedicides, Fertilizers,   Mist blowers, Dewormer, Antibiotics, and Certificates. 
The Hon. District Chief Executive read out the names of 

the award winners who appeared before the regional minister and the dignitaries to be presented with their certificate and their award prize items.

Suaman District Presentation


The District Chief Executive called out the award winners before the regional minister and the dignitaries. The district awarded (12) twelve farmers for their hard work so as to be recognized and awarded at the regional farmers’ day. Award items given included tricycles, pumping machines (irrigation kits) fridges, and wellington boots, wheel barrows, animal and poultry feed, Television sets silver pans, cutlasses, salt lick, Knapsacks, certificates, and Lacoste shirts

RegionalAwards Presentation                                                                                                                                                                                                   The Regional Department of Agriculture awarded (9) gallant male farmers and two (2) female farmers. Award items presented to the regional awardees included Tricycles, Mist Blowers, TV Set, Wheel Barrows, Knapsacks, Wellington Boots, Cutlasses, Freezers, Wax Prints, Silver Pans, Animal Feed, Blocks Of Salt Lick, Weedicides, Insecticides, Lacoste
Shirts, Shovels, Key Bar Soaps, Certificates. 
The award prizes comprising a Tricycles, Knapsacks, Mist blowers, Wellington Boots, Cutlasses, Wax Prints, Insecticides, Weedicides, Key Bar Soap, Lacoste T Shirts, Certificates, the regional best farmer took home a tricycle mist blower, and other valuable items. The entire contestant where handsomely reward with valuable items. 



Some Scenes from the awards presentation

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Dissemination Meeting on Human Trafficking in Suaman District

Codesult Network and Free World International have been undertaking a baseline study on the Human Trafficking project called “Improving the Capacity of Stakeholders to Respond to Human Trafficking cases in vulnerable and At-Risk communities in Ghana’s Western and Western north regions”. Specifically, the project is being implemented in Amenfi West Municipal, Aowin Municipal and Suaman District.

Suaman District on 1st August, 2023 from 9am to 12 noon held a dissemination meeting on Human trafficking at the District Assembly Hall.

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General Assembly Meeting, 2023

A General Assembly meeting was held on the 31st July, 2023 at the District’s Assembly Hall. The Hon. DCE (Philip Kwabena Boahen), DCD (Emmanuel Kwame Fiebor), PM (Hon. Stephenson Tandoh), Assembly Members and some staff of the District assembly were present.  The meeting started at exactly 9:00am with a word of prayer. The presiding member gave his welcome address and there was reading, correction and acceptance of the previous minutes. Presentations were made on the District Chief Executive’s sectional address and executive committee report. 

Scenes from the meeting

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Second Quarter IA Committee Meeting, 2023

On Monday, 24th July, 2023 at the District Assembly Hall, the Internal Audit of the Suaman District Assembly held it 2nd Audit committee meeting of the year at exactly 10:00am.

The purpose of the meeting is as follows;

  1. Discussion of Internal Audit 2023 1st Quarter Report.
  2. Discussion of Audit Committee report for 2022.
  3. Discussion of 2022 management letter.

Scenes from the meeting

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Second Quarter Budget Committee Meeting

The Budget Unit on 14th July, 2023 held it 2nd Quarter committee meeting at the District Assembly’s conference hall. The following outlines were considered;

  1. Analysis of the financial statement as at June 2023.
  2. Mid-year Revised Budget 2023.
  3. Revised Composite Budget 2023.
  4. Revenue status, improvement strategies and way forward.
  5. Other matters

Gallery from the meeting

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Green Ghana Project, 2023

As part of efforts to preserve the forest cover of the country, 11th June, 2021 was declared as National Tree Planting Campaign day. In line with this, a tree planting exercise has been scheduled to take place nationwide on Friday, 9th June 2023, at 8:00am throughout the nation.

The Suaman District led by Hon. DCE (Philip Kwabena Boahen) together with some dignitaries in the district planted some trees to mark this memorable day. The exercise took place at the Dadieso Senior High School. Present in this event were the Hon. DCE, DCD, Nananom, Religious leaders, Security Forces, Health Service, Education Service, SUADA staff etc.

Dignitaries present at the event

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