Works Department

Mr. Charles Wornoh Tetteh


The Department of Works in the District Assembly is a merger of the Public Works Department, Department of Feeder Roads and Municipal Water and Sanitation Unit, Department of Rural Housing and the Works Unit of the Assembly.
The Works Department: 

  • assist the Assembly to formulate policies on works within the framework of national policies;
  • assist to establish and specify the programmes of action necessary for the implementation of physical plans;
  • facilitate the implementation of policies on works and report to the Assembly;
  • advise the Assembly on matters relating to works in the Municipal;
  • assist to prepare tender documents for all civil works projects to be undertaken by the Assembly through contracts or community initiated projects;
  • facilitate the construction, repair and maintenance of public roads including feeder roads, and drains along any streets in the major settlements in the Municipal;
  • advise on the construction, repair, maintenance and diversion or alteration of the course of any street;
  • encourage and facilitate maintenance of Public buildings and facilities in the district;
  • assist to build, equip, close and maintain markets and prohibit the erection of stalls in places other than the markets;
  • assist to peg and demarcate all physical developments prepared for all major settlements in the Municipal;
  • facilitate the provision of adequate and wholesome supply of potable water for the entire Municipal;
  • assist to inspect projects undertaken by the District Assembly with relevant Departments of the Assembly
  • advise the Assembly on the prohibition of digging of burrow pits or other excavations and the sinking of wells or their closure;
  • assist to maintain public buildings made up of offices, residential accommodation and ancillary structure;
  • provide technical and engineering assistance on works undertaken by the Assembly;
  • facilitate the registration and maintenance of data on public buildings, and
  • in consultation with Electricity Company of Ghana facilitate the provision of street lighting.
  • dvise and encourage owners of premises to Remove or trim trees, shrubs or hedges which interfere with traffic, wires or works on any street; Remove dilapidated structures or fences in any public place; Paint, distemper, white wash or colour wash the outside of any building forming part of the premises; Tidy up the premises; and Remove any derelict vehicles or objects which constitute nuisance;
  • protection or prevention of obstructing access to fire hydrants;
  • provide technical advice for the machinery and structural layout of building plans to facilitate escape from fire, rescue operation and fire management;